Please arrive at Vert stadium by 11:30AM and meet at the ticket booth, so we can secure tickets for access to the game. Triple-P-Lacrosse will handle the $5.00 ticket fee for players but all other attendees will have to secure payment for themselves. If anyone needs a ride, I need to know by Friday, April 26th 8:00pm. I have a high school senior night game at 6pm Friday night but text me so I can make plans if anyone needs a ride for Saturday morning.
Vert Stadium
https://highpointpanthers.com/sports/2009/8/4/fac_0804091218.aspx Street Address: 1018 Panther Drive High Point, NC 27262 https://goo.gl/maps/i7WsJJZGGBsYAfg87 (Directions from Gibson Elem) |